This is a team of individuals who are specifically trained by Power Remnant Ministries under the direction of founder and owner, Prophet Trese Strauss.

Trese instructs and equips her Power Teams through her Power Boot Camp training. Her personal hands-on training has effectually helped many to aspire and accomplish what God has destined for them. They have learned their delivery of a prophetic message is just as important as the message they hear from the Spirit of God. They are intentional in the flow of God’s love and power through them. PRM Power Teams earn a certificate of completion, which qualifies them to properly execute with a spirit of excellence, to carry the Gospel of love and power with a mission of hope to the hopeless!

Over the Summer months for June, July, and August, every 3rd week of each month, PRM will schedule anyone needing personal prophetic ministry in a private setting online with our Trained Power Team. These appointments will be about ministering what is necessary from the Spirit of the Lord for your life!

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit that will bring right standing with God, peace and joy through the power of the Holy Spirit, For whoever serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.” Romans 14:17-18

Scheduling is Now Open!

Please email to request an appointment.

How does Power Teams work?   A small team of trained individuals prays and asks God to reveal what He desires to speak to you. Power Teams is a community service outreach to encourage people with hope and a message from God.

What would a message from God be like?   It will be full of hope, love, and encouragement and possibly identify things about yourself and your life. It will bring God’s perspective and insight to direct your life.

How is this different than going to a psychic?   The God of the entire universe who created you and knew you before you were in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139) is meeting and speaking to you. This revelation comes through His Holy Spirit. In 2 Peter 1:21, it says “For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit”

What do I do with what God says?   Pray and ask God to show you the meaning of the words you heard. Think about the message. Think about whether there is something you need to do in order to see these words come about. Keep considering the meaning of the words over a long period of time. God is rarely in a hurry and He works His purposes in us over the course of our lifetime.

*TO BOOK Power Teams for events, conferences or other occasions, please contact us and make a detailed request.