Training in the Prophetic

Power Boot Camp (PBC) trains you to hear the voice of God and recognize how God speaks to you personally.

This training will increase your ability to hear, see, and discern with a greater understanding of God’s purpose overall. Trese’s hands on approach will help you to be sensitive to the person of the Holy Spirit and equip you to the works of service.

Trese has been a trainer and equipper for many years. Her submission to the person of the Holy Spirit has empowered her to train others with the ability to be used mightily by God. She helps to guide them toward their purpose through training them to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

The training is a 10 week investment to learn how to properly hear from God and properly handle how God speaks and what to do with what you hear.

Topics Include:

  • 9 Holy Spirit Gifts
  • Spirit of prophecy/gift of prophecy/prophet
  • Deceptions/Counterfeits
  • Impartation/Activation
  • Learning to deliver your gifting properly, in a more excellent way and so much more…

Fall Training is Now in Session

Weekly on Thursday Nights

September 19th through November 21st

2024 PBC Layout:
We will begin with an Intro Session, followed by 8 weeks of boot camp, and ending with a Certificate of Completion Celebration, for a total of 10 weeks of commitment.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the type of hands on training, there must be at least 15 to 20 students registered two weeks in advance of the INTRO. Therefore this training is subject to cancelation if this requirement is not met.

Please follow the directions for registration carefully:

  1. The total cost of this 10 week training is $100. Intro Night is required to receive materials, guidelines, criteria and activation.
  2. Your $20 registration fee must be paid for you to be formally registered. Please submit your registration through the Registration Form below
  3. You will receive a confirmation notice via through email submitted through your registration. If you did not receive a confirmation, please call or email the ministry.
  4. The remainder of the cost of training will be collected during training.

Thank you for your cooperation! See you at Intro!

418 Edward Street Bethlehem, PA.

Time: Begins Promptly at 6:30 PM

2023 Fall PBC Testimonies


First I would like to thank prophet Trese for her heart for Christ Jesus. I have been blessed to know you. I thank God for your dedication to the people of God. I had a burning desire to have a relationship with God and to experience the move of the Holy Spirit in my life for some time. My first day of class the Lord healed my back. He then continued to heal my heart from all the hurt and betrayal.  Week after week, the Lord would do something that caused healing in my life. I have to say I am not the same person that walked in on October 5th. I have been set free from the bondage and lies of the enemy. I know that I am still working on myself with the help of the Holy Spirit. I have built a relationship with the Holy Spirit, and I have also met amazing men and women of God. I thank God for PBC, for it has changed my life and has set me free. Thank You Lord.


Power Boot Camp training was the best experience in my life. The result being, I am closer to the Holy Ghost. This has made me realize that there was power in prayer through the Holy Spirit who helps, guides, and direct us. I am very blessed for this experience and have grown to where I understand the purpose in my life for the Lord. It has peeled layers upon layers to understand how to operate in the gifts of the spirit, and also to operate in obedience in the church. I have recognized the transformation within this training that has destroyed the yoke of the enemy over my life, to which many strongholds have been broken and I am so very blessed and honored to have taken this training.


This class has expanded my knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit in connection to knowing who He is and how to continue to grow in faith in every season of my life. As a new believer this is a class I would recommend to everyone. I want to thank Trese and her team for all their work. God is moving in a powerful way this season of my life. This class has truly been a blessing to me. I will definitely be taking this class again! 


I have been so blessed by taking this class. It has given me a better understanding of being obedient to God’s word and having the ability to know what a false prophet is and a true prophet.


PBC training has impacted me in a way that has brought me more growth in my spiritual life. It has taught me to be led by the Holy Spirit not by my personal thoughts. It also has helped me to understand what God does in someone’s life when you submit to the will of God. I want to thank prophet Trese for the instruction and guidance to bringing understanding and in having more intimacy with the Holy Spirit.


This class has changed me as a person and in my life as to how I see things. I am so grateful to you prophetess, for teaching me so much and taking me out of my comfort zone. What I have learned and how I view life and people has changed. I have learned to let go, let God, be still and listen, and hear because He is always talking to me. You have enhanced my thinking and that of the Holy Spirit. For many years I have been shy and second guessing myself. Now I just want to keep learning. This is a bittersweet moment how fast these ten weeks have passed. Never in my wildest dreams would I think that I would prophesy or feel the Holy Spirit, as you have shown me. I am just hungry for more. I want to learn more and be in his presence always. I have greater peace only He can provide and that emptiness only he can fill. Once I realized this everything makes so much sense. Now I look forward to more thanks to you. Very Powerful Class.  Thank you from the bottom of my Heart!


I just want to say that this time around taking the training has opened my eyes and ears to the unknown in the spiritual realm. I have realized more to just listen to what the Holy Spirit of God is saying and how to be more productive in the Kingdom of God. I now understand that everything I do and everything around me is to understand the seasons and time that God is speaking. I also realize God is always speaking and it is up to us to sit and listen. One thing that stood out to me this time was God speaks in many and all ways, like through numbers, dreams, and through your process with everything in your life. I am grateful for the blessing of this training. 

2023 Testimonials

PBC has been very impactful for me. I’m hearing Holy Spirit with much more clarity than previously. My heart towards Him has increased as has the time I spend with Him. I see life through a prophetic lens now and Im seeing and hearing God in new ways. 

The Power Boot Camp has opened my eyes to the overwhelming Goodness of God and the Greatness of His Love. I’ve matured in ways that were totally unexpected, while gaining greater insight into God’s will, purpose and calling on my life. Understanding the wonderful gifting’s and anointing’s God has entrusted me. Power Boot Camp has encouraged me to seek Gods face more often, go deeper, be more open and appreciative of God’s blessings. I’ve reached new heights in praise, worship, and experienced the powerful overflow of the Holy Spirit. This training has facilitated new friendships and united me in loving fellowship with other members of our community. I’m very grateful to God for Trese Strauss and the Power Boot Camp. 

What an experience I will never ever forget, Trese, I will forever love you and never will I forget you, or your teachings. You are truly a woman that has a gift from God. You are a blessing to whoever speaks to you or knows you. You are truly a Prophetic woman that God uses. I have been blessed to have been in this class, your teachings and explanation to me has impacted my life forever. I feel and see the Holy Spirit totally on a new level. When I dream or get visions I can now know how the Holy Spirit is speaking to me and now I can break it down. I’ve never been able to do that. Woman of God every living person that needs to understand how God talks to us must take this class. 

The first time I took the class everything was coming out of me. The second time around has been such a blessing to me. I am so alert. I’ve learned to let go and trust the Holy Spirit, because He is always speaking. During these past weeks of training, I truly experienced chains being broken off of me, and a clearer understanding of who the Holy Spirit is. I’ve learned to listen and that is very important to God. Word of knowledge has increased. The way I pray for my family is different. My words have been different. New Season for me and my family My faith has grown. I thank you for truly depositing and poured out to me. I honor you and truly appreciate you. 

I must say that the PBC class has truly taken me into a new level of spending time with God and hearing his voice into a deeper profound way. The class truly was ordained by God for such a time as this, because of where God is taking me into a new level in ministry. I believe that it was ordained by God to be used to equip me in this new season of my life. Thank you Trese for allowing God to use you greatly. I have taken many classes in my past, but you truly bring the learning experience into another level. 

I am thankful to God and to Trese Strauss for this training in the prophetic. It has allowed me to grow to another level, to better hear the voice of God, and to stay still and know that He is God. It also taught me how to communicate with others and not to be afraid to speak and to express who God is in my life. I don’t know where I would be without God in my life today. 

This has been transformational for my life as well as my walk with Holy Spirit. I have grown in the practice of asking Him more often for instructions and the quality of my time with Him has been beautiful. My ability to hear and discern has increased significantly in my day to day life. I have greater awareness and spiritual sensitivity all around. There was a lot of warfare going through the process but it was worth it for the new levels I am now experiencing. I am a completely different person than I was 2 months ago. I am wowed. I will miss this training and the people I have met. Today I heard in prayer that our breakthrough is upon us. I feel certain that going through PBC has positioned us for that. 

Trese, I think the greatest thing that I have learned is how to press in with God thru worship on a regular basis. I see how that’s the heartbeat of your personal relationship with Him and this ministry. And the second is the importance of reading my Bible to renew my mind with His Truth. And Gods anointing has helped to break some things off me and fill me up with more of Him in order to keep going with this new way of doing relationship. And yet I can see how I have to make myself intentionally continue to press in, that its not a feeling. The feelings can come, but it’s based on commitment, a decision, a relationship. Thank you for everything!!!! 

2022 Testimonials

I would like to thank my dear friend and sister in Christ, Uni for inviting me to Power Boot Camp class and introducing me to what it was all about. I didn’t know what to expect after reading about the class but my desire to hear more from God was strong enough for me to participate and be committed to the class. I have learned so much about how important the Holy Spirit is to me in my Christian walk. Submitting to the Holy Spirit, has allowed me to hear more clearly and be able to speak over others with confidence that God is speaking, not me. Trese was an amazing teacher and full of so much knowledge and experience and love for God. I wish PBC class didn’t have to end but it really helped me to have a good framework to build from on my continued walk with God. Although I’ve gained more knowledge and understanding, I will continue to remain teachable and humble on this walk. 

Thank you God for this training, I’ve become more aware and alert.Thank you again, Trese, I cannot thank you enough. 

I came into this training not knowing exactly what to expect. Wow! Let me tell you that this course unleashed the power of the Holy Spirit like nothing else I have ever experienced! Holy Spirit showed up big time each and every week! The book that Trese provided us with (authored by her) was amazing! Such detail! Each chapter guided us through each week of activities. I learned things about spirits that I never knew before which opened up my eyes and ears to things that I should pay more attention to. My walk with the Lord has been a long walk over along time. I needed this training to continue growing in my walk. Highly recommend this course to ANYONE! A powerful Holy Spirit experience given by a powerful Prophetess, Trese Strauss! Thank you for growing me! 

I found PBC to be fun and challenging and I met a lot of awesome like minded women. Trese Strauss, our trainer, was very anointed and knowledgeable. It was definitely an experience! 

This training definitely took me out of my comfort zone and taken me to a deeper level spiritually. I’ve learned about the different prophetic gifts and how we as believers may not all be called to be in the office of a Prophet but all may prophesy. I know I’m just getting started! Thank you Trese for your ministry in training and equipping the body of Christ in the prophetic. God bless you! 

When I was first was told about Power Boot Camp I honestly expected more like a bible study course. I was wrong. Power Boot Camp was not just about reading God’s word but it was about connecting you to the Holy Spirit in whole other level that I did not know I was capable of. This class changed me in so many ways. It helped me realized I have all along have been hearing God. It helped me on journey of self healing. It helped me finally except how much God truly loves me and helped me start loving myself. I went from self doubting that I was able to prophecy and communicate with thr Holy Spirit to realizing and understanding that we all have the ability to God’s gifts. I am do thankful for Trese for allowing the Holy Spirit to guide her as she guides others through this life changing journey. 

Power Boot Camp has been a blessing. So happy to attend again. I needed it. It was a refreshing and more anointing with break throughs happening. I am more open in my dreams- vision. Thank you Trese! 

2021 Testimonials

I am so thankful for PBC on how much knowledge I have gained from the teachings. I am thankful for all the sisters and brothers that were part of this and for the words that was spoken over us from the students even though I missed a couple of the meetings. I enjoyed myself thoroughly to be around such happy and blessed people of God. I would like to thank all the students and most of all Prophetess Trese for all the hard work and dedication and the wisdom and knowledge that she had learned from our Lord and Savior, Again I say I am so blessed to have been part of this class! 

Power Boot camp has been such a blessing to me. I’ve learned to let go and trust Holy Spirit, because He is always speaking. During these past weeks of training, I truly experienced chains being broken off of me, and a clearer understanding of who Holy Spirit is. Thank you Father God for entrusting Prophetess Trese with this intimate powerful training! This course ignited the fire and hunger in me to build a deeper relationship with Holy Spirit, and I will continue to go deeper from here on out. 

In the beginning I was so scared to take this journey, but now I am so glad I did. I got to PBC because of prophetic word over me at one of the Woman Empowerment Breakfasts. Prophetess Trese told me that I am a seer. You said sign up for this class. I am so grateful and blessed that I did. I don’t want it to end! I will miss everyone and our Thursdays together. It truly means the world to me that you believed in me enough to help me to start sharpening my God given gifts. You are truly amazing to me, and I want you to know how grateful I am. When I first started PBC I used the example of being like a baby riding on a tricycle, but after taking PBC I feel like I can get on my adult bicycle and pedal faster and faster down the road with the Holy Spirit. I Thank you for that. I pray that God will help me to continue hearing him stronger and louder than ever. You have an AMAZING gift and I thank you for sharing with me.  I pray God continues to keep your wonderful light shining.

PBC has been such a blessing to my life. I came into the program knowing that it would impact my life, but I did not know how. PBC was not just a course in the prophetic, it was a safe place for me. A place were I can take off my “leadership” hat and just be a student with no one expecting above and beyond from me but to just be a student and learn. It truly was a breath of fresh air. While at PBC I learned to let my walls down and be intimately vulnerable. Because of daily living, and just life happening, I’d enter each night one way and come out renewed. I’d leave with my spirit edified. PBC also has challenged me in so many ways pushing me out of my comfort zones while at the same time pushing me to look deeper within myself and be able to identify areas in my life that need work. During my time at PBC, Holy Spirit allowed so many things in my life to surface and as we are coming to the end of this journey I am looking ahead to being able to apply all that I have learned! I love you Trese! 

Through PBC Holy Spirit has fine tuned my ears to hear the voice of God clearer than ever. I have learned the different ways God speaks to his children and how God desires to use His vessels to have His voice heard. Trese Strauss is a great teacher and a wonderful trainer. She is a woman of God filled with wisdom and powerful in the kingdom. She is passionate about helping others learn to hear the voice of God. Each week, the teaching portion of the class was better than the previous week’s and wow, did I learn! The homework assignments were challenging but through the challenging I was being stretched. I really enjoyed the portions of the book of Trese’s “personal experiences” because it made everything so relatable. But the best part of class was our “quiet time”. That period of time before class began where we invited the presence of the Holy Spirit to come. And did He come! His presence was palpable, so real there was no doubt that He was there. It was during this time that Holy Spirit ministered to me in such a way that I felt so much more different when I left class than when I arrived. Many times Holy Spirit would confirm that I was in the right place at the right time. And of course I cannot leave out the time during Word impartation which was a time of hearing God speak through our classmates. This time in PBC has helped me prepare for what God is getting ready to do in my life. I am grateful for what God has done for me through this class and I know that I will never be the same. Thank you Trese for always following the leading of the Holy Spirit and for training with an excellent spirit! 

I have always been attracted to and fascinated by prophecy. In fact, it was basically the thing that captivated my heart back in the 70’s when reading Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth. It served to solidify my love & appreciation for the inherency of the Bible & more importantly, for Jesus Christ as both my Lord & Savior. Taking this class has served to draw me closer to Jesus with a greater understanding of the person of the Holy Spirit & His wondrous assignments. Using PBC as a springboard, I am confident my intimacy with the Godhead will only increase!  Thank you Trese for pouring yourself into all of us in this 2021 class! Much love. 

This class has been wonderful in many ways. The best part has been the time at the beginning encountering Jesus and preparing our spirits for what He has for us. It was good to go out on a limb and practice what we learned during ministry time at the end, even though I was scared to do it at times. I learned that God does speak through me to encourage others. I needed to be reminded to get a spine and put the devil back in his place and not believe the lies of the enemy. I also need to watch my words and speak life, not death. I loved being introduced to some prophetic worshippers that I am worshipping along with on a daily basis. You have been such an encouragement throughout this class through teaching, prayer, the prophetic, and being transparent. I see the love of God flowing through you!!!!!! I would love for my two kids to take this class in the future and will be encouraging them to do so. Thank you for your faithfulness in being obedient to the Holy Spirit. 

I believe that Trese’s PBC Bootcamp should be a requirement course for all Christians. There is so much to learn about hearing from the Holy Spirit. I was so hungry (and continue to be) hungry to God and hearing what He has to say, but didn’t always believe that it was God speaking to me. After taking PBC, I am more confident in knowing that He is speaking to me! Thank you, Trese, for making this class available to us. You are an amazing teacher! 

2020 Testimonials

PBC has been awesome! It took perseverance to press through once I
made to commitment to take the course. Every attempt and obstacle from
the enemy to distract me failed. Praise God. Since I’ve taken the course it
has brought more intimacy in my prayer time with God and the Holy Spirit. I
am fully willing to receive guidance while growing because I need
the Holy Spirit’s guidance, direction and teaching always in my
daily life. My heart is humble and ready to receive, as a disciple
of Christ, He is the center of my life and I can do nothing without
him. Because of the instructions and teaching of PBC, my spiritual eyes,
hearing and discernment have increased. Spiritual revelation received
from the Holy Spirit is amazing and it has allowed me perceive all matters
from a higher level than I could imagine. Thank you, Trese for letting God to
use you to instruct the body of Christ with this powerful course.
Bidgette Grizzle

Power Boot Camp is such a blessing in so many ways! As a son/daughter of
God, we hear the Father’s voice and it is imperative to gain understanding in
this area in order to best engage in bringing Heaven to Earth. I would
recommend this course to every believer in the Lehigh Valley and beyond. It
is an incredibly valuable benefit and yet so easily accessible. Having insight
and intimate teaching environment from a 5 Fold Minister such as Trese is
the closest thing you will get to learning directly from the Holy Spirit except
you will have the information communicated in a quick yet concise course
that could take years and unnecessary struggle. Trese is truly a gift to the
Body of Christ. She can teach you what she has learned about the prophetic
so that the Holy Spirit has more to work with to take you to your destiny.
Thank you Trese!
Nancy Yeager

Taking PBC has opened my heart to God. I feel as if I have a better
relationship with God through the person of Holy Spirit. Before PBC I felt
numb. After PBC I actually feel my heart has opened up to receive. I trust in
God more and truly believe that if I quiet my mind and listen I can hear
God’s voice as a still small voice speaking to me. PBC has better prepared
me to listen to hear the Holy Spirit. Trese, I am grateful to God/Jesus/Holy
Spirit for gifting you with the ability and grace to teach this inspiring (and
challenging) class, and I thank you for teaching it. Taking PBC has been a
positive life changing experience for me.
Marilyn Molena

Prior to starting Power Boot Camp (PBC) Training in the Prophetic I was on
fire to learn and draw closer to God to hear his voice. I was complacent and
stuck in my Christian walk. Intro class is where my personal journey began
with God. Through weekly exercises in class I developed healthy
relationships. I learned to press and pray in the Holy Spirit to God
individually and as a group. As the instructor stated in the beginning, “Enjoy
the ride!” While in the wilderness, unresolved rooted issues in my life
surfaced. I battled with guilt and had to take them to God in order to grow.
PBC trained and equipped me by practicing Gods power.
I learned to be sensitive to Gods voice and Spirit by obedience. After
completing weeks of training God took me to another level. I’m so grateful
for PBC that I intensely recommend all people to complete the course. PBC
has been an amazing journey and has affected me in a positive way!
Migdalia Morales

Attending PBC has been very transforming in my life. Everything that I was
able to learn through the power of The Holy Spirit helped me to understand
more of the character of God. From the first day of attending the class I
began to notice a difference in my life as I received more wisdom,
knowledge, and revelation. I continued to press into God knowing that I
wasn’t alone and chains were broken off as I continued to trust God more.
There were times the enemy tried to tell me that I shouldn’t have joined the
class and I was asking God to confirm and He definitely did! I thank God for
placing me in PBC at the perfect time! Our Father is awesome!
Angeliek Vazquez

PBC has had such a surprising affect on me! It has help me feel more
comfortable in the lord. I don’t feel awkward praising him in front of other
people as I once did. I actually look forward to it now. PBC has helped me
realize that a relationship with God is something truly beautiful and deep. It
has opened my eyes to so many things I could do with him. The thing I am
most grateful about taking PBC is it gave me an experience I can share with
my parents (who also took the class with me). Our relationship has
flourished is ways I never thought possible, we would sit down for a long
while and just talk about all the different things about God like what he has
done for us, what he will do and surprises he may have for us. I love that
PBC put me on a road of happiness in the lord. Trese I am truly blessed to
have taken this class. From the bottom most loving place of my heart!
Miguel Ferguroa

This is my second time taking the Power Boot Camp class, and it has been
life changing for me. The first time was powerful as well, but this time
around I have learned so much more. It has taught me to hear the voice of
the Lord in a deeper, closer way and to TRUST His leading and not my own.
It has begun to heal the brokenness inside of me on many levels. I have
been healed of many things, but most importantly I have learned that He
loves me! I have learned that He has called me! I have learned that I am
who He says I am – a daughter of the Almighty Father. My life will never be
the same. I am worthy because HE says so – He will equip me as I step out
in faith. Prophetess Trese is a powerful woman of God and walks in her
office as a Prophet with dignity, integrity and truthfulness. She guards the
Father’s heart very closely, and I am blessed to have gleaned from her table
under such a mantle and am honored to have had the opportunity to learn
from her. I bless her and her ministries and ask the Lord to continue to pour
more so she can train up those He sends her way. Thank you for your
faithfulness through great pressing and refining. It is not in vain!
Miriam Poche

Power Boot Camp was an eye opening, redemptive and freeing experience
that helped change the trajectory of my spiritual walk with the Lord.
Prior to the class, I was earnestly seeking the Lord for guidance and wisdom
on what He has in store for my future in Him. Although, I was seeking to go
deeper spiritually, I was still holding on to something in my past, that was
rooted in fear of fully submitting myself to the Lord and his will for my life.
As we prepared to review a lesson on pseudo spirits and witchcraft,
Prophetess Trese anointed and prayed over me during an exercise and
released the spirit of fear off me. I literally, felt the release. The next
morning, I experienced an encounter with the Holy Spirit. During which He
revealed that what I was holding on to had no place in my future and that in
order for me to move forward with Him, I needed to rid myself of all traces
of this “thing” in my life. Once I submitted to what He asked, I felt an
unexplainable freedom and an even greater desire to diligently seek the Lord
in a renewed way. I am grateful for the wisdom, knowledge and
understanding gained during the 9 weeks of teaching which allowed me to
let go of hindrances in my life. Now I can walk steadfast for God!
Kenoa Askerneesee