Coffee, T, Homemade Muffins, and Jesus with
Morning GLORY
Please note, EWMG is now offering ‘Coffee, T, homemade muffins and Jesus’ with a Morning GLORY time instead of a full breakfast. This gathering is focused on encountering the Lord and being empowered. We encourage you to have a full breakfast before arriving. Doors open at 9:30 AM. We begin promptly at 10AM.

April 5th, 2025
Jess Davis travels and speaks with a deep passion and love of the Gospel that has been filtered through the redemption and healing God has done in her life. Her testimony and messages challenge others to continue to pursue Christ and seek Him for true restoration. She desires to share words of life and truth in every given opportunity.

Empowered Women Morning GLORY Registration April 5th
In order to be considered registered you must fill out the ticket so your name is registered at the door. Then select how you will proceed with payment.
Empowered Women March 2024