I.O.I Update
New Season and New Location for INVADERS OF INFLUENCE. Nov. 15th with Prophet Dennis Reanier! 1830 Butztown RD. Bethlehem PA
New Season and New Location for INVADERS OF INFLUENCE. Nov. 15th with Prophet Dennis Reanier! 1830 Butztown RD. Bethlehem PA
Amazing testimonies came from June’s appointments! It’s time to schedule for the 3rd week of July. Schedule now to receive confirmation and encouragement for your life. Note: It’s a small window and times are limited. Schedule now from July 13th to July 18th with Kenia @ prm.kenia@gmail.com
Over the Summer months for June, July, and August, every 3rd week of each month, PRM will schedule anyone needing personal prophetic ministry in a private setting online with our Trained Power Team. These appointments will be about ministering what is necessary from the Spirit of the Lord for your Read more…
Warriors on Watch gathering is now every 3RD Wednesday of the month, June 19TH, July 17TH, and August 21ST. Please reach out via email to prm.kenia@gmail.com to disclose location.
Benjamin entered full-time ministry at the age of 17. He’s been diligently serving the Body of Christ in diverse capacities including national and international ministry, conferences and speaking engagements, prophetic ministry, teaching kingdom principals, leading worship and prayer ministry teams, and leading trips to Israel and other strategic countries the Read more…
FYI!! ~ GOOD GLORY NEWS ~For MAY 11th, our end-of-the-season event, PRM is being generously sponsored to offer a FREE MORNING GLORY BREAKFAST!* YOU STILL MUST REGISTER so we have a headcount!* NO REGISTRATION at the DOOR, SO REGISTER SOON!* SEE YOU THERE ~ ENDING STRONG! Doors open at 830AM, Read more…
The POWER WORD Experience Over the Summer months for June, July, and August, every 3rd week of each month, PRM will schedule anyone needing personal prophetic ministry in a private setting online with our Trained Power Team. These appointments will be about ministering what is necessary from the Spirit of the Read more…
Keynote speakers for April: Roger and Robin Fields. Founders of Fields of Harvest Ministries in 2005, the Fields’ ministry focuses on Deliverance, Generational Cleansing, and Inner Healing. Former Pastors who equip, train, and mentor those who also have a heart to see The Body of Christ walk in Freedom, they Read more…
Guest keynote speaker for April 6th is Aimee Johnson, also known as “Pebblez”. She was raised in a home of faith! She turned her back on that and became a prodigal daughter for 10 to 15 years. After years of trauma, Aimee attempted suicide, more than once. Abba had a Read more…
Keynote speaker for March is Pastor Marc Bryant. Pastor Marc Bryant is the Pastor and founder of “THE HOPE”, Hope For All Prayer Center, located in Cranford, NJ. His passion is for prayer, teaching, encouraging, and prophetically speaking into the lives of God’s people, and showing God’s unconditional love to people Read more…